Hitch a Hike – Case Study

Hitch a Hike
Ride App is a free downloadable app empowering you to connect with our community of drivers and passengers, to share a common journey and share its cost. Whether you are planning a trip week in advance or days before, Ride App allows you to connect to fellow users making the same trek. Enjoy the simplicity of ‘Creating’ and ‘Searching’ a journey to locate someone traveling in the same direction as you’re headed and get in touch! We want your journey to be as cost-effective, convenient and enjoyable as possible so be sure to clarify any issues by messaging our members. Each journey shared is a step forward in cutting carbon emissions, so Ride ‘a’ Hike wherever you can!
App Store: – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hitch-a-hike/id970535738?ls=1&mt=8
Google Play: – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hitchahike