HomeFuud | Case Study

Homefuud connects people who want to eat delicious & healthy home cooked meals to chefs who want to showcase their cooking skills. homefuud is a start-up whose vision is to bring people together over food. A decade ago, people who knew each other in real world connected online through social media. Soon, people started to connect with people they’ve never met and gradually shifted to making more friends virtually than in person. In fact, it’s more common to have thousands of online friends today but merely tens of in-person friends. homefuud wants to reverse that. Food is a great medium to connect with old friends and make new ones. As a host you will get to showcase your cooking skills and as a foodie you will get to taste home cooked healthy meals. We welcome you to our growing community of foodies and hosts and sincerely wish you enjoy your journey into new worlds of taste and friends.
Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.homefuud.app