Tenet- An Advanced Web App For Trading Events

Tenet Advanced Web App For Trading Events

About Tenet

Tenet is a web app that provides a platform to invest in your favorite field and earn money. The app lists numerous areas, including sports, entertainment, business, politics, and many more.

The best part, you don’t require any skill to trade in the Tenet app. You will get money when your team wins, and you will lose if your team will. The events you find in the app are created by the Tenet team. They maintain complete safety and loyalty while creating the event for users. You will get the winning amount directly into your phone’s wallet.


What Are The Features Included Into Tenet Websites?

The features included in the websites are super easy to use. Let’s find what features you will get into the Tenet app-

  • List of Events

Tenet App List of Events

After registration on the website, you will find a list of events from various fields, including sports, politics, business, and many more. Users can invest in their favorite area and earn a significant amount.

  • Bid on Yes / No

Tenet App Bid on Yes No

You will find various events with their live prices. You can invest if you find it interesting. You can either tap on the Yes or No button as per your choice.

  • Pay

Tenet App Pay

You must pay the amount if you want to trade at any event. You can pay the amount through your bank account, Paytm, Credit card, etc.

  • Withdraw the amount

Tenet App Withdraw Amount

You can withdraw the winning amount from the website’s wallet whenever you want. You will have complete ownership over the winning money.

  • View Portfolio

Tenet App View Portfolio

You can view your portfolio whenever you want. In the portfolio, you will find two options: refer and earn and how to trade. In the refer and earn, you can suggest the event to your friend and earn money as a reward. Additionally, you will know the ways to trade the events.

  • Transaction

Tenet App Transaction

You can make transactions easily with the money you will get in your wallet.

  • Refer and Referred

Tenet App Refer n Earn

The feature introduces an excellent opportunity for you to earn money. You need to suggest the app to your friend and can make a good amount of money.

Here is the links you can install the app on your Phone – https://tenetapp.in/


Final Words-

Tenet is a fantastic web app with a platform for earning money. The app is impressive and has unique features. The Mobulous family is super happy to create such an innovative app. We make the app with the technology React Native and Python, which is a pretty advanced technology for developing web apps.

So, generate an app like Tenet if you want success and fame. Mobulous is a top web and mobile app development company that can help you get an advanced web app like Tenet. Our team is highly enthusiastic and skillful. They can provide you with services you have never imagined. Let’s give us a chance to serve you with unique benefits.

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