Need of Android App Development in 21st Century


Welcome back to the app development blog!

In the earlier blog we discussed about the mobile app development, now we will go further to its categories. We are living in 21st century where we use technology to perform our day to day tasks. Hence services of your business can also be taken with the help of applications. We all are aware about the mobile phones and also know about the operating systems of mobile phones. These days, people prefer to buy android phones as these phones are affordable and fulfill demand of the people. If you choose android apps for your business, it can reach a large amount of audience. It takes help of experts for android app development as experts know the way well to make it user-friendly.

Brief Discussion about Android App Development

Android applications are developed as a pooling of components that can be called independently. An android app is single installable unit which can be started and used freely. An Android app comprises of configuration files, Java source as well as resource files.

Android Application Development is Classified into Following Components:

  • Application: An app can have Application class which is concertized formerly any further Android component. When application is being shutdown, it is the last component which is stopped. Android creates a default application object for your application, if it is not defined explicitly.
  • Activity: An activity is basically a visual depiction of an Android app; an android app can have numerous activities. It makes use of views as well as fragments to construct their user interface plus to interact with the users.
  • Service: If discussing about the service then we can say that it achieves tasks deprived of rendering a user interface. It has ability to communicate with other components and also notifies the users.
  • Broadcast Receiver: One has to register the receiver to get the system messages as well as intents. Moreover, when the specified event occurs, it is notified by the android system.
  • Content Provider: The function of a content provider is to define structured interface to application data.

You can get the help of experts who will put all your business demands in an app meanwhile developing it. Being the trusted android app development company, we can help you to get the fully-fledged app in the mentioned time. The best part about the apps we develop is that it is user-friendly and fast also.

Hope you are satisfied with the knowledge provided in the blog regarding Android app Development.

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