Four reasons for Android application development |Mobulous

Android App Development, Mobulous

In this time and age, when customers are becoming mobile friendly, it seems difficult to run a business without an application. If you are looking for a mobile app then you can start with Android app development. Why Android and not any other OS?


There are four reasons to choose Android before any other OS

  1. Android is Google’s product hence hosted by Google Play Store and the Google Play Store is the largest mobile app market in the world. Number of visitors accessing the play store is in millions. It shows that apps available on Google Play Store have greater visibility and better chances of getting downloaded. None other app store can claim highest number and highest visibility than Google Play Store.
  1. Android application development is easier than others because this OS allows customized development of apps to suit to individual needs. There are no restrictions on developing the apps and also the developed apps can be tested before they are uploaded on the Google Play Store. Simply put, this OS supports app development by providing freedom to become creative.
  1. Third reason is the constant updates that Android receives from Google. It can be said that none of the operating systems are so hastily updated like Android and the credit to keep the OS updated goes to Google that continuously works for making the OS more user-friendly. Also the developers can test the apps on latest versions of the OS before releasing the apps for customers.
  1. The Android Software Development Kit is a huge library that can help in developing anything and in any way you want. Experienced developers can take advantage of SDK for developing compelling applications for businesses. Also Android application development can be improved by importing features from other operating systems like BlackBerry and Apple.

Ever since its inception, Android has witnessed a steady increase in its user base. Today it dominates the Smartphone market and this is another reason for starting app development with Android. If your business is available on Google Play Store, you have better chances of getting visible. Your reach will expand without making special efforts and you will get an opportunity get an edge over others.


Google Play Store promises visibility and there is huge competition. As you can see that Google Play Store has already millions of apps and more apps are uploaded on every other day. The completion factor should be in your mind when doing Android application development. The app should be so developed that it remains visible for the targeted audiences and the app must be user friendly. For instance, it should be a short life cycle and it shouldn’t consume much power and space.


Keep the above discussed factors in mind, when developing an app for your business. Make it attractive so that it becomes visible and make it user-friendly so that it gets maximum shares and reviews. Google Play Store has largest number of reviews on the apps.

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