HomeFuud is LIVE | Mobile App Development Company Canada | Mobulous

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App Development Company Canada. Mobulous’s developed App Homefuud is live. Homefuud is an app developed that connects people who want to eat delicious & healthy home-cooked meals to chefs who want to showcase their cooking skills. Homefuud is a start-up whose vision is to bring people together over food. The App connects foodies with chefs who are hosting the food at their home.

Brief about the App ( App Development Company Canada )

The pre-eminent motive of Homefuud is to bring people together over food. Food is a great medium to connect with old friends and make new ones. As a host, you will get to showcase your cooking skills and as a foodie, you will get to taste home-cooked healthy meals.

A decade ago, people who knew each other in real-world connected online through social media. Soon, people started to connect with people they’ve never met and gradually shifted to making more friends virtually than in person. In fact, it’s more common to have thousands of online friends today but merely tens of in-person friends. And Homefuud has the vision to reverse that. As Host can then have the possibility to earn money as he prepares warm, healthy homecooked food for the foodies.

Key Feature List  for the Product (App Development Company Canada)

Reservation: This feature allows all the Foodies to do reservation of the preferred chef according to the time slot in which you want to dig in. 

Switch to Host: Chefs are the workhorses hiding behind a stove, churning out glorious dish. This feature allows the foodie to become the host or the chef and to fulfill their desire to serve people and earn.

Switch to Foodie: This feature allows the host to become a foodie and eat at another host’s place.

Rate and Review: Reviews and Ratings empowers users to share their opinions and experiences,

Make your own Menu: This feature allows the host to make their own menu by adding their dishes

Manage Bookings: This feature allows the host to manage their bookings. The host can see the list of foodies who have reserved them for the food serving of the day

Set Rules: This feature allows the host to keep the house rules according to their convenience

Search and filter: This feature allows all the foodies to search for the Best Chefs, the cuisine they like at the time they want Great isn’t it?

Mobile Application Development Company USA

Product Links ( App Development Company Canada )

UI Case Study: https://www.behance.net/gallery/70490595/HomeFuud-Case-Study

App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/homefuud/id1435485958?ls=1&mt=8

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.homefuud.app

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