Meraan is LIVE | Fitness App Development Company | Mobulous

Fitness App Development Company

Recently Developed Website & App for a UAE based client is LIVE. The product is called Meraan.

It is an online fitness platform that helps the community to find fitness. It connects you with the gyms near you, making it possible to work out on your schedule. It is hard to get a professional trainer but, Meeran based on your location connects you with the best trainer!

Brief about the Product( Fitness App Development Company )

The pre-eminent motive of Meeran is to allow health and fitness enthusiasts to connect with the service providers i.e. Gyms and Trainers with a click on the phone making this search hassle-free. Through the platform customers will be able to acquire gym memberships, subscribe to fitness and can get discounts. Meeran Pro allows the service providers to promote their business and find members for their activities.

Customer App( Fitness App Development Company )

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Business PRO App( Fitness App Development Company )

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Key Features of the Product( Fitness App Development Company )

Meeran Customers 

Schedule Plan:

This feature allows the user to view the workout and diet plan scheduled by the Trainer. This will be viewed day wise which is easy for the customer to follow allowing the customer to keep a check on their diet and workout plans.

Find Nearby Gyms:

This allow customer to view the listing of the Gyms and Trainers present nearby that is based on the location of the customer. Also, customer can search the nearby classes, trainers and gyms on the map.


The customers can subscribe to the Membership plans of Gyms and Trainers. The plan can be chosen according to them based on the Duration, Price and Gym they want to go with. On selecting the plan, customer will be directed to a secured Payment Platform for doing the Payment.


This feature allows customers to book Classes, Trainers and Gyms. They will have the flexibility to select the time and day according to your convenience. Cherry on the cake is, trainer can visit at your own home for the sessions. Life made easy? Thanks to Meeran!

Meeran Pro (Service Providers)

Accept/Reject Requests:

This feature allows service provider to accept or reject the booking requests made by the customers. Service provider can go in accordance with their availability and can allot different time slots for the same.

Booking Management:

This feature allows the service provider to manage the bookings made. They will see the list of their customers and bookings made by them.

Plan Management:

This feature allows service provider to create Workout and Diet Plans for the Customer. These plans will be day wise. The Diet Plans would include the meals, their proportion and the workout plans will include the exercise and the duration.

Manage your profile and availability:

This feature allows service provider to create their schedule according to their availability which reflects on the user’s app. This makes their life hassle free by changing the availability accordingly. They can create their profile and upload multiple photos.

Product Links ( Fitness App Development Company )

In total, this application aims at connecting the fitness enthusiasts, the one who provides the service (Gyms, trainers) as well as the ones who want the service (Customers). Users can sign up for Meeran, avail the prices set by gyms and trainers and gain promotional offers all on their handheld devices.

Merran Website

Meraan User App :

Meraan Appstore :

Meraan Play Store :

Meraan Business App:

Meraan Pro :

Meraan Pro Appstore :


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